25 March 2010

Adieu, Day Trips, parting is such sweet sorrow.


LAST Day Trip Day. Ug, that makes me want to cry. Day trips are exhausting and we have to sit on the coach for forever, but that’s because we go to see cool things. So it’s worth it. It’s some kind of unwritten rule that Annie gets the window seat and that I always fall asleep (with my mouth open, I bet you ten pounds that at least 3 people has a picture of me on the coach asleep).

Today we went to St. Alban’s Cathedral first, mostly for the classical architecture. One side has Romanesque style, the other side Gothic style. We had to walk through a park to get there and it was warm and beautiful. We also went to the Verulamium Museum, aka ancient Roman city museum.
St. Alban's Cathdral
{St. Alban's Cathedral}

The next stop was the American Cemetery. It was a grounding experience and I’m so glad that we went. It felt like I was back in America and it was a nice feeling. There was a wall of the soldiers who went MIA. There was also this beautiful chapel we mosaic ceilings and a wall honoring the air forces during the war. Yay, America!
american cemetery
{American Cemetery}

Last stop was in Cambridge, to see the King’s College and its Cathedral. The Cathedral was pretty and the campus was amazing and old. After looking around the Cathedral, Annie, Eliza, Jen, Jenny and I went to the river to go punting! We had a cute tour guide and we got to see about 10 of the colleges from the river and learned all about them. I loved seeing the Wren Library. Next, we went to the market area and got some sweets and dinner. Annie, Jenny and I meandered over to the Fitzwilliam Museum, where the lady gave us special permission to go up to this balcony with paintings that we needed to see for our BritLit class. I was bummed that it closed before we could check out the impressionist paintings, but oh well.
King's College
{King's College-Cambridge University}

{punting on the Cam River-The Sigh Bridge, like the one in Florence}

Wren Library
{Wren Library, Cambridge University}


From Stonehenge in the snow to Warwick Castle and its peacock garden, from Shakespeare’s Birthplace to Oxford University, our day trips have been amazing! I loved ever one of our day trips and they will always be wonderful memories from my London study abroad.

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