19 March 2010

Twenty's Plenty!


Today’s my birthday doo doo doo doo doo happy birthday to me doo doo doo doot doo.
Two decades ago, I was brought into this world in Provo, Utah, USA. Ever since I graced this world with my presence, it has been a brighter, smarter, prettier place. You’re welcome, world.
I was a little stressed about my birthday because I’m in London, and you can’t really make a single day outstanding. Every day is wonderful in London. Today, we had a special day off from classes so we can go on a hike with George Chittock, a cute British man from the Hyde Park Stake. It was such a pretty countryside walk that ended up being an almost 10 mile pretty countryside walk.
Some of my friends were so sweet and got me chocolate that I ate all day (doubly allowed because of my birthday AND the long hike).
We came home to spaghetti waiting for us, a great birthday dinner.
After dinner, Jenny, Annie, Mary, Laura M., and I went to “39 steps”, a play that spoofs Alfred Hitchcock movies. It was funny and entertaining.
39 Steps
{outside the theatre for 39 Steps-Mary, me, Annie, Laura, Jenny}

On the way back, Annie was like: “are we going to get cake or something?” and I was like: “only if someone else gets it for me, cuz I feel funny getting my own cake”. So we walked into the servery to get a glass of water and there were my friends standing around waiting for me with cakes and balloons with my name on it and a banner. I was not expecting it! Shout out to Kalyn, Brittany, Kira, Annie, Sarah S. and anyone else who pitched in to surprise me! Cheers!
This birthday was in the top three, for sure, all thanks to friends, chocolate, and London.

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