29 June 2011

Dear Body

In honor of a post that I happened upon in one of my favorite blog haunting grounds (Nat the Fat Rat I'm writing a note to my body and giving you and I the chance to be easy on ourselves.

Dear Body,
I'm sorry that I put you through Insanity on Monday and that you are still suffering from it. I'm especially sorry that I made you do it so that you could meet your Triple T regiment for the summer (Thin, Toned, Tan).  In all honesty, sugar is evil and it's your addiction to it that caused you to want to do it in the first place.  So I guess I'm sorry for getting you addicted to sugar, too.  I guess.

However, I'm not sorry for the numerous concerts that you have attended that caused you mild hearing loss.  They were so worth it, right?

I'm sorry for forgetting last week that Seth's carpet is a dangerous shag jungle full of hidden monsters left over from the shattered light fixture.  Your foot wouldn't have bled so badly if I had avoided the carpet jungle.

I'm temporarily sorry for ab workouts. But I promise that if you push through it, you have the potential of having less flab.

Sorry for not sleeping enough. That must suck for you.  And someday I'll stop biting my nails.  Just for you, my friend.

Just have some fun this summer and don't drive yourself crazy, ok?  You'll need the energy for another Utah winter--trust me on this one.

Hugs and kisses,

{now comment with your letters to your body.  you'll feel much better, I promise!!}

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love this. I love you. I was giggling the whole time.
