A couple of weeks ago, my work sent out an email declaring a decoration competition that will be judged at the Christmas party. That day, I walked past the testing department and they were already going crazy. Each time I walked by, their area had vomited more Christmas
everywhere. It was war. I went to my supervisor's office and asked her what our budget was and she informed me that we don't have one. Challenge accepted.
We were separated into areas so that we could branch out and meet others. The issue with my area is that it was the biggest area. We can work with that.
Our motto for the proceeding week was "We need to beat testing." Since we work with mail, we decided to make our area into Santa's workshop.
We had Santa's flight plans:
We managed to get letters to Santa from the North Pole:
We had the good and bad lists (checked and ready to be checked again):
Our elves were busy at work:
We value our elves:
I don't have any other pictures from the other rooms, but it was very festive :)
The morning of the big day came. The day of judging, of course (what did you think, Christmas?). We had a popular vote within the office and for the whole morning, it was neck-to-neck with testing. At the beginning of the party, it was announced that testing won the popular vote. So now it was up to the judges' pick. Second place=yellow! (testinggg) And in first place....GREEN!! WE WON!
Best. day. ever.