10 October 2011

look at me and politics!

I think as members of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints, we are different than others. But I don't view us as a cult.  I understand when those not of my faith are not fully informed of what we believe as members of the LDS Church, but I think before you give information about us to thousands of people, you should do a little research.

I  found this today and thought it was interesting:

As a citizen of the United States, I will inform myself about all candidates, both Republican and Democratic, and make a vote based on their platforms and on their characters.  I always try to vote for people in local and federal political positions who have a solid family life and who have good values because they will be good people to have in office.  I'm not supporting Mitt Romney because of his religious beliefs, per se, but I know from experience that LDS members have great values and strong family backgrounds. I'm looking forward to this upcoming election and what it has in store for the members of my Church.

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